Be conscious of how our choices and actions affect the environment. We are often given or even purchase things we do not need. Learn to say no to physical flyers, cards or correspondence, single use items and non-biodegradable or non-recyclable packaging.

Do you have anything stored or hoarded that someone can put to better use, can be donated or even sold? These items consumed precious resources when they were made and transported. Learn to let go, redistribute these items and help conserve our depleting resources.

Are you throwing away things too soon? Can these items be repaired, mended, refurbished, patched or even upcycled. Rather than purchasing consumables, purchase reusable alternatives.

Minimise what you send to the landfill. Sort your waste. Did you know items made of glass are 100% recyclable?

Turn your organic food scraps and paper into compost. Naturally make organic fertiliser and even capture and use bio gas.

Renewable describes the capability of being renewed. Seek to renew rather than deplete by shifting towards sources of energy that are solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric or bio-based.
Zero Waste Initiatives
Green Vibes Only
Join The ClubSpread Green Vibes Only by showcasing how you reuse our branded glass packaging and qualify for discounts off your purchase.
- Step 1: Post a photo or video on your Instagram or Facebook.
- Step 2: Follow and tag bushgyalpro and include the following hastags: #greenvibesonly #notalltrashisgarbage #bringbackyourbottle #bbyb
Not All Trash Is Garbage!
Recycle & EarnDid you know that glass is 100% recyclable? We collect glass items and gift you rebates off your order for helping us save the environment.
Bring Back Your Bottle
View LocationsView list of collection depots and authorised re-sellers nationwide.