Physical Wellness

Keeping active physically, eating healthy foods, getting adequate sleep and rest, preventing illness and injury and managing chronic health conditions. 

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Environmental Wellness

Enhancing sense of safety, connection and comfort of our physical surroundings, creating healthier environments and living spaces, finding places of tranquility and respecting and protecting nature.

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Emotional Wellness

Being aware or mindful, accepting and understanding of our emotions and improving our ability to manage and cope with challenges and change.

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Social Wellness

Building healthy, nurturing, trusting and supportive relationships with ourselves and others, fostering authentic connections and caring for the greater good of our communities and society.

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Spiritual Wellness

Finding our life's meaning and purpose, understanding the values, beliefs, and morals that guide our actions and connecting to and relying on God.

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Intellectual Wellness

Continuously learning, recognizing our creative abilities, being open to new ideas and exploring ways to expand knowledge and skills.

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Vocational Wellness

Achieving enrichment, satisfaction and fulfillment from our work, maintaining balance in our lives and making a positive impact in our workplace and communities.

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Financial Wellness

Effectively managing our economic health, developing healthy emotions around money, and making choices that allows us to enjoy life and meet current and future financial obligations.

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